Biodiverse Consulting Biodiverse Consulting Biodiverse Consulting Biodiverse Consulting
There is always something changing, evolving or interesting going on. Read our thoughts on how this impacts your business and the events we deliver to keep you up to date.
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Meet Assistant Ecologist, Angus Walker

For twenty years, Angus worked in Quality Assurance, working with the likes of Nissan and RAC. His love for the outdoors drew him to ecology and following volunteer and sub-contractor work, he’s now an Assistant Ecologist with us as well as the Health and Safety Representative. Here he shares more about his transition into the industry.

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Birds Breed in the Craziest of Places

If you are considering site works between March and August chances are you are going to require a breeding bird check of vegetation, trees, buildings and other structures by a suitably qualified ecologist.

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Bats and Homeowners

Are you a homeowner and planning to develop your property? Take a look at our useful guide to understand what it means if bats are present on your property and how we can help you.

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Biodiversity Net Gain Training

Need to understand what Biodiversity Net Gain will mean for your development?

We run short CPD sessions for people who plan, design & build stuff.

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